Andréa Sumé

Keeping Up With User Permissions and Two Factor Authentication

Becoming aware of the user’s permissions and two-factor authentication is the best way to safeguard against new cyber threats. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and cybercriminals are always one step ahead. To improve security, organizations should deploy centralized solutions for access and user identification (IAM). These solutions can be paired with better user education.

Commonly, 2FA is implemented by having users use an authenticator app on their personal devices. This will ensure that only the device of the user is used to sign in to HubSpot, reducing the risk associated with stolen or lost credentials.

Duo Security, for example, one example, a 2FA system acquired by Cisco in the year 2018 offers mobile device support for its customers. The platform used by the company utilizes FIDO and Web Authentication API (WebAuthn) standards to enable mobile device verification by making use of built-in capabilities on iOS, Android and Windows phones. This is an easy way for users of mobile devices to confirm their identity without having to rely on IT professionals to update apps or change settings. It also stops them from accidentally bypassing the security controls.

Other options to implement 2FA is to make sure that it be enabled in specific geographic locations or use network data to verify the user’s location and prevent authentication attempts from suspect networks like Tor, VPNs, and proxies. These types of conditional policies can be set and enforced in various ways via the administrator dashboard of an IAM solution.

It is also crucial to realize that the process of implementing and deploying 2FA will take some time. To speed up the process, it is a good idea to use an IAM solution that allows users to self-remediate by removing 2FA if the authenticator application is not working.

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