Andréa Sumé

The Engineering Process

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The engineering process is the set of steps engineers use to develop functional products and processes. It is an extremely iterative process that can be used to design prototypes and enhance existing solutions. It’s also a fantastic technique to improve your problem-solving capabilities and to develop a “design under constraints” mindset. The process of engineering design is similar to the scientific method, but differs in the way that scientists conduct experiments while engineers use imagination and design.

Determine the Cause

The first step is to define the requirements needed to run the success of the project. This involves a lot of brainstorming, and the engineer must often take into consideration constraints (e.g. materials, time and tools) when generating solutions. This step requires an engineer to assess the various options by identifying strengths and weaknesses and deciding on the most effective solution for achieving the objective of the project.

Develop Ideas

Engineers can employ different methods to generate solutions that range from brainstorming and discussion to 2D CAD modeling and animation. The solutions that are generated can be visualized and compared with the requirements of the problem to identify the most suitable solution.

Once the final solution has been formulated Now that the final solution has been decided upon, it is time to design a prototype of the product. This could be as straightforward as sketching a design on paper or as a working model built using CAD software. This step gives engineers the chance to test the final product and determine if it meets the goals he wants to achieve.

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