Andréa Sumé

How to Compose a Job Post

Writing job descriptions is like fishing. You’re using lures to draw applicants. The words you choose, your descriptions of duties and qualifications, as well as whether you need certain qualifications could be the difference in the recruitment process.

It is crucial to get this right from the beginning. Clarity is crucial in a job ad to draw the right applicants, prevent ghosting and candidate drop-offs, and provide an effective and fair hiring process for your business.

The first section of your job description should precisely define the role and the responsibility. Include the title of the job, a short description of the tasks and any required and preferred qualifications.

You’ll also need to mention any benefits your company provides, such as paid time off or flexible working hours or free meals in the office. By mentioning these benefits, you can distinguish your company from the rest and draw applicants who may not have been able to find the job otherwise.

It’s also a good idea to include the pay for this job, as well as any additional benefits that you might offer, like mentoring programs or training opportunities. This will help ensure that your job posting is competitive and in line with your budget.

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