Andréa Sumé

Board Room Services

The boardroom is the heart of a business. It is where important decisions are taken and where strategies are devised to ensure corporate integrity is upheld. The impact of these decisions will be felt by all involved, from the employees that a company employs as well as the shareholders who own its shares to the economy itself. This is why it is vital for the boardroom to be well set up.

A well-appointed workplace, like our shared workspaces and collaborative spaces is a reflection of your high standards and business ethos. This is what leaves an impression on customers and strengthens their trust in your company. We offer a range of boardrooms that can be adapted to accommodate various meeting requirements. Our rental package includes all the equipment as well as ongoing training and support.

We also offer a boardroom service that allows you to book the space on a regular basis for a low monthly fee. This includes the most recent technology for video meetings and presentations. Our Newline QInteractive screen allows you to organize meetings and collaborate with teams online and in person.

Boards are now required to go paperless to enhance the user experience at meetings. Digital platforms aren’t only helpful in improving the accuracy of meeting minutes as well as to complete other tasks, such as creating agendas and approving motions. With the digital boardroom, you will reduce the cost of printing and distribution and also the time required to prepare for each meeting.

Board Room Services

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