Andréa Sumé

Tips For Effective Board Member Remote Voting

While the days of board members having to attend in-person meetings are fading into history It is still essential for boards to have effective voting procedures in place. With so much of an organization’s success relying on the board’s decisions, it is critical that the process is as transparent and efficient as possible.

Fortunately, the modern technology of video conference and online voting platforms allows board members to attend meetings and cast votes remotely. This will save time and money for both the organization and its members and can be a beneficial solution for those who are unable to physically attend in-person meetings.

It is important to remember, however, that remote voting for board members has some drawbacks that need to be addressed. First of all, it is important to ensure that the board follows a strict protocol for all votes. It’s also important to be aware of the legality of voting via email, as some states have declared it illegal in the absence of certain conditions.

Finally, it’s crucial that the entire board is informed of the results as soon as they are available. This will eliminate any confusion or miscommunications, as well as ensure that no member feels that their voice has been snubbed. Follow these suggestions to ensure that your board’s voting procedures are as efficient as possible. If you’re interested in an innovative, more intuitive and secure method to manage your board’s vote, check out Govenda, the all-in-one governance system.

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