Andréa Sumé

Virtual Systems for Your Business

When you hear “virtual systems” What do you think of? Virtualization is often perceived as a complex and expensive technology that small companies cannot afford. But with options like Oracle’s VirtualBox and VMware Workstation available, this powerful technology is attainable for any business that wants to improve their IT efficiency.

Virtualization is the process of converting hardware resources into virtual components that are delivered upon demand to users. Virtual Machines is the shorthand for these virtual components. When a VM is created, it’s basically duplicate of an existing computer configuration. The new employee will be able to begin working immediately on a machine identical to the one that was used by their predecessor. This significantly eases the process of the process of integrating a new team member and ensures that everyone has access to the software and programs that they need to do their job.

Another major benefit of a VM is that it runs different operating systems. For example an employee might use the Mac but needs a specific software that is only accessible on Windows. A VM allows them to run the software on a Mac without installing it separately. Similarly, software developers often have to test updates in multiple environments. Testing these updates on a VM can save time and money contrasted with testing on various physical devices.

In the end you can also use a VM can be used to store backup and data files. There are many advantages of this approach, such as cost reduction, enabling disaster recovery, and making storage management simpler. With a cloud-based VM solution like HPE GreenLake, you can benefit from the built-in buffer capacities without the need to invest in additional hardware for your data center or remote offices.

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